Wear Your Brand is now Boolanga Business. Our name is new, but our products and services are still the ones you trust.

Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions


This General Terms and Conditions ((hereinafter: General Terms and Conditions, GTC) contains the conditions of the use of services (hereinafter: Service) engaged by the User (hereinafter: Client or User), available on the websites  https://uberpl.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberpt.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberes.wearyourebrand.com,https://ubernl.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberse.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberuk.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberie.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberfr.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberde.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberch.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberbe.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberke.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberza.wearyourebrand.com, https://uberit.wearyourebrand.com operated by Delivery Tech OÜ (Keemia tn 4, 10616 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia ), e-mail: info@wearyourebrand.com, hereinafter: Operator or Seller). 

If you wish to be a customer of the options offered by our Webshop, please read our General Terms and Conditions carefully and use our services only if you agree with all its points and consider them binding on you, as the conditions for using the Service is the acceptance of this GTC by the User. 

Details of the Service provider

Name of the service provider: Delivery Tech OÜ, seat of the service provider: Keemia tn 4, 10616 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia.

This Regulation shall be in force from 01/07/2021 and shall remain in force until its revocation. The Service provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the Regulation. By using the website, Users agree that all regulations relating to the use of the website will automatically apply to them. 

If the User accesses the website operated by the Service Provider or reads its content in any way - even if he / she is not a registered user of the website, he / she acknowledges that the provisions of the Regulations are binding on him / her. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions, he is not entitled to view the content of the website. 

The Service provider reserves all rights with regard to the website, any detail thereof and the content appearing on it, as well as the distribution of the website. It is prohibited to download, electronically store, process and sell the contents or any part of the content appearing on the website without the written consent of the Service provider. 

Registration / purchase 

By purchasing / registering on the website, the user declares that he / she has read and accepted the terms and conditions of these GTC and the Data Management Information published on the website, and consents to the data management. 

The User is obliged to provide his / her own, real data during the purchase / registration. In case of untrue or personally identifiable data provided during the purchase / registration, the resulting electronic contract is void. The Service provider excludes its liability if the User uses its services on behalf of another person with the data of another person. 

The Service provider shall not be liable for any delivery delays or other problems or errors that can be traced back to the data provided by the User incorrectly and / or inaccurately. 

The Service provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the User forgetting his / her password or becoming available to unauthorized persons for any reason not attributable to the Service provider. 

The range of products and services that can be purchased

The products shown can only be ordered online. The prices shown for the products are in EUR, they include the statutory VAT and the home delivery fee. There is no extra packing fee.

In the webshop, the Service provider indicates the name and description of the product in detail, and displays a photo of the products. The images displayed on the product data sheet may differ from the actual ones and may be used as illustrations. We are not responsible for any discrepancies due to the image displayed in the webshop and the actual appearance of the product. 

The Service provider is entitled to change the prices of the products, with the User being obliged to pay the price published when placing the order.. If a special price is introduced, the Service Provider will fully inform the Users about the special offer and its exact duration. Promotions, coupons and discounts only apply to full merchandise products! 

Order process

The User can start the purchase by logging into his User account and then navigating to the webshop page. 

The User sets the number of product, products to be purchased. 

The User adds the selected products to the cart. Users can view the contents of the cart at any time by clicking on the “cart” icon. 

If the User wants to add another product to the cart, select the „continue shopping” button. If you do not want to buy another product, check the number of products you want. You can delete the contents of the cart by clicking on the „delete – X”. To finalize the quantity, click on the “refresh / refresh cart” icon. The User then selects the delivery address and then the delivery / payment method. 

The Service provider only accepts payment methods by credit or debit card through the secure payment system of the financial service provider used by the Service provider. 

The User has the opportunity to fulfill the total value of the order for certain products in 5 weekly installments. If you buy several products / sets, the price must be paid in one amount. 

In case of payment in 5 weekly installments, the User makes a purchase on a given day of the week, pays for the first installment after / simultaneously with the purchase, and then is obliged to pay for the next installment on the same day of the week in the next 4 weeks. The User does not fulfill his payment obligation, i.e. does not settle a certain installment no later than on the 5th day after the due date, the Service Provider’s outstanding claim becomes due in one amount on the 6th day after the due date, and the User is obliged to pay it to the Service Provider, which is to be paid together with a late fee. The late fee is 10% of the price of the product / set.

If the User fails to fulfill his payment obligation, this may result in the deactivation of the User’s account and the transfer of his case to the debt collection company, as well as the Service provider is entitled to use any other legal means and forum (litigation / non-litigation). 

If there are any errors or deficiencies in the products or prices in the webshop, we reserve the right to make corrections. In this case, we will inform the customer of the new data immediately after recognizing or modifying the error. The User can then confirm the order once more or withdraw from the contract. 

If the payment was made before the order was confirmed and the order cannot be fulfilled for any reason, we will inform the User as soon as possible and we will ensure the refund of the completed payment as soon as possible (but within a maximum of 30 days). 

The final amount to be paid includes all costs charged to the Customer based on the order summary and confirmation letter. The User receives the invoice electronically by e-mail. The user is obliged to inspect the package before the courier upon delivery, and in case of any damage to products or packaging, he is obliged to request a report, in case of damage, he is not obliged to accept the package. Subsequent complaints without minutes will not be accepted by the Service provider! Packages will be delivered on working days between 24-72 hours. 

If the Service provider does not receive the amount to be paid by the User, he / she may contact the User at his / her known contact details - primarily by e-mail. If the User does not pay the consideration within 14 days after the submission of the Order, then his order is considered unsuccessful and the concluded contract is terminated and the User is obliged to return the product already sent to the Service Provider - at his own expense. 

After entering the data, the User can send his order by clicking on the “send order” button. The User acknowledges that the order gives rise to a payment obligation. 

The User will receive a confirmation e-mail after the order has been sent. If this confirmation is not received by the User within the expected time limit, depending on the nature of the service, but no later than within 72 hours from the sending of the User’s order, the User is released from the offer or contractual obligation. The order and its confirmation shall be deemed to have been received by the Service Provider or the User when it becomes available to him. The Service provider excludes its responsibility for the confirmation if the confirmation does not arrive on time because the User provided an incorrect e-mail address during the registration or is unable to receive a message due to the saturation of the storage space belonging to his account. 

The User acknowledges that the confirmation discussed in the previous point creates a contract. The User is obliged to take over the ordered product. 

Order processing and fulfillment

Orders are processed on working days, during working hours (09.00 - 17.00). It is possible to place an order at any time, but if the order is placed after business hours, it will be processed on the following business day. In all cases, the Service provider’s customer service will confirm electronically when it can fulfill your order.  

The Service provider strives to fulfill the orders within an average of 4 working days from the conclusion of the contract (general deadline for fulfillment). Delivery of the Product is only possible in the territory of the country to which the sales activities of the website affected by the order cover. 

Based on the order and the confirmation, a sales contract is concluded between the Service provider and the User, according to which the Service provider is obliged to transfer the ownership of the thing (ordered product), pay the purchase price and take over the thing. Ownership of the ordered product is transferred to the User (customer) at the same time as the full payment of the purchase price. 

If the User qualifies as a consumer in the legal sense, the risk of damage passes to the User when the User or a third party appointed by him takes possession of the product. In other cases, if the carrier has been entrusted by the User and the carrier has not been recommended by the Service provider, the risk of damage passes to the User already upon delivery to the carrier. 

If the User qualifies as a consumer in the legal sense, unless otherwise agreed, the Service provider is obliged to make the thing available to the buyer (User) without delay, but no later than within thirty days after the conclusion of the contract. 

In the event of a delay by the Service provider, the User is entitled to set an additional deadline. If the Service provider fails to perform within the additional deadline, the buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract. 

 The User is entitled to withdraw from the contract without setting an additional deadline, if
a) the Service provider has refused to perform the contract; or 

b) the contract should have been performed at the agreed time of performance, and not otherwise, as agreed by the parties or because of the recognizable purpose of the service. 

Other provisions

During the order, the User must provide only his / her data containing real, up-to-date and necessary information, update them if necessary, and cooperate with the Service provider in order to fulfill it. 

It is forbidden to use the Services abusively and in such a way as to interfere with the operation of the Service provider and other users. It is prohibited to post content that is prohibited by law, in particular content that infringes the copyrights or privacy rights of third parties, while using the Service. 

If the Service provider, or another person within its area of ​​interest, performs incorrectly in connection with the sold product, the Service provider is liable under the law of the place of order, which liability may differ from state to state. If the customer is a consumer, you can find more information about his consumer rights and the possibilities of claim enforcement at the following contacts: 


For our company, the User’s satisfaction is primary, we try to handle and resolve any objectionss, complaints or remarks related to the Service in a flexible, fast and user-friendly way, so please contact us for the first time in case of any objections, complaints or remarks related to the Service. Complaints regarding the provision of the Services may be submitted to the following contact details: .... We recommend that the User indicates in the complaint: information and circumstances related to his complaint, his need, and contact information - this may speed up the handling of the complaint. 

You can find out more about the User’s rights at the above-mentioned contact details. 

Content uploaded or published by the Service provider and / or its partners on the websites mentioned in the introduction, in particular copyrighted, trademarked content, trademarks, graphics, and software, as well as software elements and databases, is protected by law and owned by the Service provider, or its partner. The User is entitled to use these contents free of charge, however, the use may only be for personal purposes and only in accordance with the purpose of the Service, other uses are only permitted with the express, prior and written approval of the right holder. The User is not entitled, in addition to the scope permitted by the applicable legislation, to translate, adapt, change the layout or otherwise modify all such content, and to use the above for profit-oriented purposes. 

You can find more information about the data management performed by the Service provider in the Privacy Policy.

During its operation, the Service provider takes all reasonable technical and organizational measures to ensure safe operation and reduce risks, however, the typical risks of data transmission via the internet during the use of the Service, such as data loss or unauthorized access, cannot be ruled out with absolute certainty. The use of the Service - including the submission of the Order - may involve data transfer costs depending on the tariff package of the internet service provider used by the User. 

In matters not regulated in these GTC, the provisions of the legislation governing the place of order shall apply. If these legal regulations prescribe more favorable rules for the User than these GTC, they will automatically replace the relevant provisions of these GTC. 

Should one or more provisions of these GTC become illegal or invalid for any other reason, the validity of the remaining provisions of these GTC shall not be affected. 

Date of entry into force of these GTC: 01/07/2021